Broadening Horizons - Sit Sking in Tignes

Some ten years ago my husband suggested that I (together with our two young daughters) should go on a ski holiday. Nothing unusual in that, you might think. However, as I have had vaccine damage since a baby and, when not in a wheelchair, walk (very badly) with a stick, he really was setting me a challenge.
Over the next decade, all in the same small, family friendly resort, Val Cenis, I learned to sit-ski with the fantastic ESI Ski School team (whose specialties include disabled skiing), gradually improving each year after my week’s visit. However, lovely as that resort was and the people are, we began to want to explore other possibilities. We were, though, always held back by the difficulties of being able to organise all the multiple things that need to come together to ensure that a skiing week works, namely: a sit-ski of the right size; an assistant to help me on the chair lifts (and pull me up when I fell over); disabled access to the slopes, hotel and environs; a good selection of slopes (blue and red) with lifts that work with a sit-ski, and a sensible opportunity to try something new.
And that is when Ski 2 Freedom came in to help. My husband and I were able to discuss our needs at length with Ski 2 Freedom, and come up with a plan that kept everyone happy. I was able to have a ski companion in whom I had confidence (in fact sometimes two!),who ensured I could preserve my independence whilst having help when I needed it. In short, I have not had so much fun in a long time and it was all down to meticulous planning giving me the confidence just to get out there on the slopes and go for it.
Given this very positive experience, we will be broadening our horizons in future and seeing what other resorts we can access.
Jeanette Harden