Ski and Winter Holiday with Pitt Hopkins Syndrome
Ski 2 Freedom Foundation - Mountains 4 All
Highlighting the life-enhancing and therapeutic benefits of a ski and winter holiday when a member of the family has Pitt Hopkins Syndrome.
Ski Holiday in Montgenèvre (FR) - Pitt Hopkins Syndrome
PART 1: Family Walker take Emily, born with Pitt Hopkins Syndrome for a magical ski holiday to Montgenèvre

*“Just a note to say a massive thank you for arranging the pilot ski in Montgenèvre. We got home this afternoon and have had the most brilliant week.
We enjoyed Montgenèvre so much we have booked the accommodation (Le Pot de Miel) again already for half term next year! If there was any possibility of booking the pilot ski again that would be wonderful. Once again many thanks for all your help. You have helped us have a truly wonderful family holiday.”* Victoria Walker (mother of Emily)
*Dear Catherine, Just a note to say a massive thank you for arranging the pilot ski in Montgenèvre. We got home this afternoon and have had the most brilliant week.
Florian (ESF Montgenèvre) was very helpful on the first day. My husband and I both piloted the ski but we also hired Francois Claude from ESF for four days (2 hours each day) to pilot the ski so we could ski with our friends, other children and, of course, Emily! Francois was brilliant with Emily and I could hear her giggling over every bump he took her over.....lovely to hear!
We found everyone in the resort really friendly and the lift attendants were very helpful and attentive. Lots of great skiing for everyone in our group and plenty of wide blues and green for me to practice and get more confidence with the pilot ski.
We enjoyed Montgenèvre so much we have booked the accommodation (Le Pot de Miel) again already for half term next year! If there was any possibility of booking the pilot ski again that would be wonderful.
Once again many thanks for all your help. You have helped us have a truly wonderful family holiday. Kindest regards* Victoria Walker
PART 2: The Walker Family returned to Montgenèvre in February 2019 and once again had an enormously successful family holiday.

*Catherine, Just wanted to thank you for helping us have a fabulous holiday last week in Montgenevre. We all had a brilliant time! I have attached some photos for you and will send some others. Please feel free to use them in any way that will help the charity. I will also make a donation this week.
I cannot begin to tell you what a difference it makes for us to be able to ski as a family and include Emily. She loved it and we had a great mix of us piloting the dual ski and Francois from ESF skiing with Emily!
A fabulous holiday all round! If there is anything else I can do to support the charity, please do say.* Best wishes Victoria
Ski 2 Freedom @ski_2_freedom would like to thank @EsfMontgenevre for all their help in making this accessible and inclusive dream ski holiday become a reality for Emily and her family. The guided dual-ski (guided sit-ski) was donated by @ski_2_freedom from funds donated to the charity by Madame Victoria Cervera.
@EsfMontgenevre @montgenevre.esf @montgenevre
@tessier_adaptive_sports #ski #montgenèvre #skifrance #niemannpiccdisease #pitthopkins #magic mountains #inclusiveandaccessibletourism #inclusiveandaccessibleski #accessibletravelwinter #skiingforall #mountains4all #winterwonderland #smiles #esf
Catherine Cosby Ski 2 Freedom -