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Welcome to the Ski 2 Freedom Blog

Articles tagged with "verbier"

Promoting & Raising Awareness of Asisted Mountain Activities in Switzerland

A chance to have a quick read and find out more about our work in helping to promote the Swiss Alps for disabled and adaptive skiing along with the other amazing opportunities and activities on offer for anyone with a chronic illness, life challenging condition or special need. Gstaad Life January 2008:     Ski 2 Freedom features in Gstaad Life describing how the region is helping disabled ski…

Verbier: Accessible and Inclusive Skiing and Winter Holidays

Marta (4 yrs) was born with Niemann Pick C Disease (a rare progressive genetic disorder - there is no known cure and mainly affects children. Treatment is focused on helping people live with their symptoms). “I want to thank you for recommending Verbier to us. It is a beautiful place! We have enjoyed a lot of this magic place with the family and Marta is enjoying it a lot. ESS Verbier ski i…

